Endowment Foundation Gives Out More than $100,000 to County Organizations

L to R: Board members Silvia Hadley, Sandy Van Patten, Connie McLaughlin, Laurie Luettjohann, Kathy Davis, Becky Leer, Dixie Shipley, Mike Hadley
THORNBURG – On April 18, the Keokuk County Community Endowment Foundation gave out $115,468.79 to cities and non-profits in Keokuk County. Grants given out include:
-$5,000 to the City of Hayesville to convert the old fire station into a community center.
-$5,000 to the City of Keota to purchase equipment for an outdoor movie theater to show movies at the park and pool.
-$5,000 to the City of Keswick for street repairs.
-$5,000 to the City of Martinsburg for a concrete pad outside of city hall.
-$5,000 to the City of Sigourney to put a digital speed sign on Pleasant Valley Street near the high school.
-$2,000 to the Delta Town & Country Center to install insulation in the ceiling of the kitchen and dining areas.
-$5,000 to the Hedrick Fire Department to purchase a rescue raft and other water rescue equipment.
-$1,260 to the Hedrick Public Library to install bookshelves in the video section.
-$5,000 to the Keokuk County Senior Center to install a commercial kitchen stove and oven.
-$5,000 to the Keota Athletic Boosters for weight room equipment.
-$5,000 to the Keota Eagle Advocates and Keota Community School District for new playground equipment.
-$1,997 to the Knights of Columbus Windhorst for refrigeration equipment.
-$5,000 to the Richland Area Childcare Organization towards the new daycare.
-$5,000 to the Kiwanis Club of Sigourney towards building a community pavilion on the courthouse square.
-$3,285 to the Sigourney Fire Rescue Department to purchase a mascot costume for fire safety education.
-$2,531.79 to Sigourney Fireworks to upgrade the trailer and firing boards.
-$5,000 to the Sigourney Ministerial Alliance to install a new heating and cooling system in the Community Outreach Center.
-$2,000 to the Sigourney Public Library for a computer and laser printer.
-$5,000 to the Tri-County Food Pantry for food.
-$5,000 to UNleashed Animal Shelter for an air-to-air heat pump condenser.
-$5,000 to the What Cheer Betterment Committee to replace swings at the park.
-$5,000 to the What Cheer Brick School Museum to replace outdated wiring.
-$5,000 to the What Cheer Opera House for electrical and lighting.
-$4,000 to the What Cheer Public Library for new resources and equipment.
“When I look out at this room and see all the people in this room and I look at the projects that we have made and being a part of this organization, it’s such a fun thing to do, because we get to see what people are invested in in the community,” said KCCEF board member Laurie Luttjohann. “We get to see that something good is going on. In today’s world, there are so many things that we hear that are not good. And you guys are all people that are trying to push for good in your communities and trying to make your communities better places to live. It’s nice to be a part of that, even if it’s just a little part.”
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