Speech Students Saunter Towards State

KEOTA – Group Speech Districts were held at Keota Schools on Jan. 20. Students competed in Group Improv, Readers Theater, Choral Reading, Radio Broadcast, Short Film, One Act Play, Ensemble Acting and Musical Theater. Local teams who received a 1 rating, allowing them to move on and compete in the state level competition, include:
“Orvis Orvison,” a Readers Theater performed by Jake Morris, Chase Haifley, Jackson Vittetoe, Luke Moeller and Gavin Sieren.
“Ladies of the Garden Club,” a One Act Play performed by Lainey Swanson, Emily Sheetz, Nino Kirtava, Kennedy Jackson, Ava Greiner and Grace Conger.
“Remote,” an Ensemble Acting performed by Brennan McGuire, Aydan Galindo and Jaylah Redlinger.
“The Secret Origin of Mojo Man,” an Ensemble Acting performed by Brennan McGuire, Aydan Galindo and Jaylah Redlinger.
The Group Improv team consisting of Jake Morris, Chase Haifley, Jackson Vittetoe, Luke Moeller and Gavin Sieren.
“The Bible in 15 Minutes,” a Choral Reading performed by Izzi Chalupa, Kimberly Clarahan, Tierney Greiner, Emily Mahan, Reese Conrad, Olivia Lyle, Garrett Greiner, Cael Jaeger, Luke Moeller, Owen Morris, Isaac Striegel, Nino Kirtava and Addison Purkeypile.
“The Worst Choral Reading Ever,” a Choral Reading performed by Chloe Zittergruen, Aaliyah Cooper, Ayla Hall, Michael Ver Ploeg, Wesley Davis, Raegan Molyneux, Lillian Randall and Nathan McDonald.
“Dumb Criminals,” a Choral Reading performed by Sean McCullouch, Nazareth Davis, Gavin Smith, Emery Hall, Alyssa Hadsell, Drayvon Dennis, Landon McDonald, Imara Colbert, Sienna Molyneux and Aubrey Zittergruen.
“Freedom” from “The Mad Ones,” a Musical Theater performed by Alisia Brock and Bella Earnest.
The Group Improv team consisting of Will Daniels, Bo Latcham and Hayden Miller,
“106.8 - Behind the Curtain,” a Radio Broadcast by Ellie Patterson, Betty Brown, Lila Shilling, Miley Club, Peityn Claypool and Zola Voss.
“Four Top,” a Group Improv team consisting of Imigyn Stratton, Keegan Burdick, Keegan Walker and Emily Allison.
“Twins til the End,” a Short Film made by Lyla Smothers, Cyrus Morrison, Nicole Murphy and Stacia Linder.
“With the weather that we’ve had lately, that’s put a wrench in a lot of our practicing plans. With our coaches working with us and the school working with us, we’ve been able to pull it together,” sad Pekin student Alisia Brock, after singing the song “Freedom.”
“It’s fun to get involved around here too, you know. Just hanging with your friends, having a good time,” said Keota student Chase Haifley, after an improv performance.
“It’s sorta like an extra thing to do. We’re all into sports and all that, but it’s sorta a new thing this year in high school...It’s new but I figured it would be fun to get up there in front of everybody and show off their personalities,” said Keota student Aydan Galindo after acting in “The Secret Origin of Mojo Man.”
“I like that you don’t have a set script and you can just really do whatever,” said Ava Finneran of the Sigourney Improv team.
“Kinda roll with the ball and enjoy yourself and have fun with it,” added Mason Clarahan.
“I got into it my Sophomore year, because I was kinda like in my shell, and it’s something that really helped me open more and talk to people,” said English Valley student Emma Pierce after singing “Super Trouper” from “Mama Mia.”
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