North English Pedestrian Bridge Completed Under Budget
NORTH ENGLISH – During the Oct. 2 meeting of the North English City Council, Mayor Dan Strohman stated that the pedestrian bridge over the creek at the Smoky Row Trail had been completed. He noted that the project ended under budget. City Clerk Tara Heyne noted that any unused grant money must be returned. City Employee David Knipfer suggested using some of the remaining to make the bridge railing sturdier. Strohman suggested putting picnic tables next to the bridge. Knipfer stated that he had been contacted by an eagle scout looking for a project. He suggested having the scout pour the contract pad for the tables, with the city paying for materials. He said he would talk to the eagle scout about giving the council a proposal.
Mayor Strohman also noted that the Washington Street project was expected to be completed at the end of the month.
Councilman Lou Garringer stated people had complained to him about a resident frequently parking a boat trailer and two trucks on the street near the doctor’s office. City Employee Jason Lee noted that he has to plow around the parked trailer in the winter. Strohman suggested putting up no parking signs. Garringer stated he didn’t want to put up no parking signs, and just wanted the resident to stop parking there so much. Councilwoman Kathy O’Rourke raised concerns the parked trailer and trucks could block fire or ambulance services. Lee noted that ordinances say vehicles parked on the street have to be moved at least once every 48 hours. Garringer said the trailer definitely isn’t being moved, because it has flat tires.
Strohman suggested sending a letter or contacting the sheriff’s department, noting that the resident had not been very agreeable in the past. Heyne stated she did not know if they could and that the city would need to find a specific code violation to tell the resident.
Councilman Andrew Custer stated there was a problem with drivers speeding when they come into town via the east on Washington Street. He stated that he had seen vehicles go 20-25 miles over the speed limit, including semis, and raised concerns about small children playing in the street. Strohman noted that the city was planning to put up two speed signs from the DOT on IA 149. He said that the DOT signs cost $3,000, but that cheaper ones exist. He suggested putting speed signs up on Washington Street, possibly including one near Knoll Ridge and one further down the road. Custer offered to have one placed in his yard. Strohman stated that the problem would likely become worse after the road construction on Washington is complete.
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